Airline Development
This is where the magic happens.
Your Turn
You can take the following actions during your turn in the Airline Development phase:
- Start Gate Auction: Start an auction for an unused gate. You may start up to two during your turn.
- Launch Route: You can only launch routes on your turn. You must have unused gates at each airport you wish to connect, and you must not be flying that route already to launch a route.
- Close Route: You can close a route, which will make the gates unused. Helpful for optimizing your network.
- Forfeit Gate: Returns an unused gate to the airport, making it unowned.
- Make a Trade: Propose a trade to another player. You can trade any combination of gates, routes, and cash.
- Pass: Finish your turn for this phase, passing play to the next player.
Other Players' Turn
During another player's turn, you can:
- Participate in gate auctions they initiate.
- Respond to Trade Requests they initiate to you.
Keep in Mind
While you may acquire gates during other players' turns (you win an auction they start), you may only launch routes during your turn. So if you win an auction during another player's turn, and your Airline Development turn has already taken place, you won't be able to launch a route using the new gate until the subsequent round. This means you will carry the unused gate on your books during this round, paying its maintenance cost.