Board Layout
- Action Bar: Here you'll see options for actions you can take when it's your turn.
- Airports: Status of all of the airports, gates, and routes.
- Turn Order: The player turn order, and the active player's turn.
- Financials: Your financial details, broken down into Routes and Gates.
- Round Phases: The phases of a round, and which round it currently is.
- Game Info: Various pieces of information on the game.
- Player Summary: Summary stats on each player.
- Action History: Reverse chron history of every action in the game.
Action Bar
The Action Bar will show you buttons for various actions you can take if it's your turn. Otherwise it'll show you whose turn it is.
Turn Order
See Turn Order.
Your Financials show the financial performance of your Routes, the cost of your Gates, and then the net profit of your airline (Total Route Operating Profit - Total Gate Maintenance Cost).
See Core Concepts - Gates and See Core Concepts - Routes for more details.
Round Phases
Round Phases shows you a list of phases for each Round with additional information. The right pointing triangle to the left of the phase name indicates which phase the game is currently in. The icon to the right of the phase tells you the turn order for that phase.
- Down Arrow: In Turn Order
- Up Arrow: In reverse Turn Order (from the bottom to the top of the Turn Order list).
- Lightning Bolt: No decisions to be made.
- Two Arrows: Players simultaneously make decisions.
Phase Summaries
Here is a summary description of each phase. Visit the phase specific page to learn more about each phase.
- Airline Development: Acquire gates (via auction), launch/close routes, and make trades.
- Airport Expansion: Expand eligible airports.
- Airline Operations: Collect the income from your routes and pay the maintenance costs on your gates.
- Regulatory Action: You didn't think the government would leave you alone, did you?
- Taxes: Pay the taxman.
- Capital Markets: Pay dividends.
- Reset: Get ready for the next round!
Game Info
The Game Info sections shows you various pieces of information about the game.
- Game Stage: See the Game Stages page to learn more.
- Round: The current round number, purely for informational purposes.
- Dividends: The cost of a dividend, and if dividends can be paid out this turn. The ability to pay dividends can be affected by Regulatory Action.
- Taxes: The current tax rates. See the Taxes page to learn more.
- Regulation: The currently active Regulation(s) and what, if any, regulatory action will be considered this round. See the Regulatory Action page to learn more.
Player Summary
For each player, shows their color, the number of dividends they've paid out (trophy), their current cash on hand, their net profit per round, the number of routes they have, and the number of gates they have.
Action History
A record of every action taken in the game, in reverse chronological order.